Having up-to-date medical information enables us to provide the best care possible.

Please complete this form and if you have any technical difficulties, 

the form is autosaved and we can send it back to you

Please contact us via admin@lowerhuntermedical or call 02 49112 336. 

We appreciate this is a very comprehensive form that does take a lot of time and effort for you to complete, so grab a cuppa and know that your information adds incredible value to your consultation with our Specialist team~  thank you!

Only complete this section if you require a Specialist RMS assessment for your drivers license.
Please provide your drivers license number so we can submit your completed RMS Specialist Assessment Form online

All diabetic patients please list your Podiatrist and Optometrist/ Ophthalmologist and last date of visit.

Reminder: if you have any technical difficulties, the form is saved and we can send it back to you,  contact us via admin@lowerhuntermedical or call 02 49112 336. 

Medical History

Reminder: if you have any technical difficulties, the form is saved and we can send it back to you,  contact us via admin@lowerhuntermedical or call 02 49112 336. 

Diet and Lifestyle

Reminder: if you have any technical difficulties, the form is saved and we can send it back to you,  contact us via admin@lowerhuntermedical or call 02 49112 336. 

Musculo-skeletal History - please indicate if you have had any of the following:
System Review - please indicate if you have had any of the following:
If you have Sleep Apnoea for example do you use CPAP?




I declare that information to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge.I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my (or the patient's) health. I undertake to inform the doctor(s) of any changes in medical status. I also consent to the sharing of my (or the patient's) clinical information when necessary for treatment or care by other professionals, or as required by law.

I give my consent for Lower Hunter Medical to access any of my medical information, reports, results from investigations and examinations, from any source for the purpose of my assessment and management.

I confrim that I am responsible for the payment of treatment fees including cancellation fees if they are incurred. (Please note that 24 hours notice is required for appointment cancellations or cancellation fees may be charged)

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

If you have any technical difficulties, the form is saved and we can send it back to you, so please contact us via admin@lowerhuntermedical or call 02 49112 336.